A model of many things: unbridled masculinity, pious spirituality, and of course, healthy eating.

Eric Nielsen has about 2% body fat. I wish I had a picture to show you of him without his shirt on. You'll instantly know that his diet is working. He eats raw everything. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, steel, whatever. Some of his culinary preferences are greek olives, wheatgrass shakes, hummus, and freshly caught fish. He tried taking carbohydrate shakes for while, but his body is too busy working everything off instantly for it to make much of an effect. But sorry ladies, he's married.
Before I leave, I just want to give a shout out to his favorite food: lettuce juice. The power of lettuce juice has been well chronicled, but Eric has found a way to tap into its hidden strengths: it increases energy, eyesight, and memory and it decreases inhibitions. And of course, each glass adds 10 years to your lifespan. What's even more amazing is how generous Eric has been over the years in giving the gift of lettuce juice. A shout out to Eric, whose healthy living has been an inspiration to us all.

Looks delicious doesn't it?
yep, i'm in fl now, and i LOVE it! i bought a house and it's pretty. i'm still in the navy and it's going..2 more years. how's italy? i love roma..i want to go back. i'm happy we are blog friends!!
oh yeah, you know how to put it right :) Neilsen...love that man. Bro, you sure know how to write...journalism if not CRU?! I guess we really do have a lot to write about...I'll write more later.
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