Monday, October 27, 2008


The infamous Baxter, nutured by the finest dog sitter, Johny-G, and making trippin' home owners on Commonwealth 'front!' It was a ttocs beautiful morning and as usual for a SDown...that means a walk with the dog. Normal things, I look and worship God with all my heart and soul ( :o) ) and Baxta does his thing. (what's up with this picture...I'm walking this dog and picking up his poop, then holding it in the bag?) This sunny morning he pees on the wrong tree and the homeowner bursts out saying, " Hey, is he peeing on my tree?" yada yada yada.

Lesson for all of you: difuse the situation and here's how you do it...I say, " Wait a minute, let's start over here, we don't even know each other! It's such a beautiful day and this isn't the way to start it out, sorry about this!"

Second story: short one...Johny-G was watchin' Baxter and literally wiped his butt b/c sometimes there's just a bit of poop left! Thx Johny

Final story: B Travis & her girl were walking Baxter when they came up on a suspicious brotha walking on the other side of the street. Baxter takes off (all 100lbs) of him and drags BTrav in the street her girl and she can't hold on, so Baxter takes off...she hangs on the leash in order for Bax not to take this innocent man down and leaves her girl in the middle of street! Yea...dont' look shady when you see my D.O.G.


S-Du said...

I like how you spell Johny. Yeah, Commonwealth front. That gives me an idea...

Unknown said...

You're such a thug!